Services We Offer

Root canal services

A root canal is usually needed when the tissue within the tooth (Pulp) is infected or injured. This may occur via a deep cavity, traumatic injury, cracked teeth, chipped teeth, or dental procedures in close proximity to the pulp where a new filling or crown has been placed. Patients may have pain or sensitivity to hot and/or cold, spontaneous pain, pain to pressure or biting, dull ache, sharp shooting pain, and sometimes facial swelling.

If you have any of these symptoms, you will most likely need a root canal in order to removed the unhealthy pulp tissue within the tooth. During the root canal procedure, the diseased pulp is removed and root canal system is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. The success rate of this procedure is 90-95% under our Beverly Hills root canal specialist Dr. Yadegar’s care. If the chance of success is unfavorable, Dr. Yadegar will inform you at the consultation appointment or when unfavorable signs are seen within the tooth during treatment. The procedure usually takes 1-2 visits. After the procedure, Dr. Yadegar has his patients on a strict pain-management protocol so his patients experience very little post operative discomfort.

Retreatment services

A retreatment procedure involves re-doing a root canal because the patient continues to have pain, discomfort, and/or signs of infection. Dr. Yadegar specializes in fixing root canals that have failed. Dr. Yadegar takes pride in using the surgical operating microscope that enables him to visualize and treat complex root canal anatomy. Failure can be due to:

  • canals were not located during the initial root canal
  • curved or blocked canals were not treated during the initial root canal.
  • there is bacterial leakage back into the root canal system
  • there is decay exposing the previous root canal material

Retreatment involves going back inside the root canal system and carefully examining inside the root canal system with the surgical operating microscope for missed and untreated canals. The doctor will clean, disinfect, and seal all canals. A temporary filling will be placed and then the patient will have a follow up appointment with their primary dentist.

Cracked teeth services

Cracked teeth can occur from normal wear and tear, biting into something hard, and is also very common in patients that grind or clench their teeth. Cracked teeth symptoms include pain to chewing, release of biting pressure, and temperature sensitivity. Cracked teeth usually display with pain that comes and goes, making diagnosis more complicated.

Traumatic Injuries/Internal Bleaching

Trauma to the mouth can cause teeth to be pushed out of its original position. These teeth should be repositioned and stabilized before root canal treatment is initiated. If root canal treatment is not done on these teeth, they usually discolor and present darker then the surrounding teeth. Discolored teeth can be treated with bleach internally to change the tooth back to its original color.

Contact Us

Phone: (310) 277-8400
2080 century park east,
suite 1710
Los Angeles, CA 90067.
Mon-Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday by appointment only